Breaking News on Disasters. Security , Safety and Medical - Surgical Emergency :education and management . The academic role of the International I.S.S.M.M post Degree Master Course - 20 ottobre 2017

Submitted by Tolu on Thu, 05/10/2017 - 14:08

Il giorno 20 ottobre 2017 alle ore 09.00 si terrà l'inaugurazione, per l'a.a. 2017-2018,  del Master Internazionale Universitario II° livello ISSMM
International Security/Safety, Global Strategies and Medical Maxi-Emergency in the unconventional Events : Analises and Management (I.S.S.M.M )
"Breaking News on Disasters Security, Safety and Medical-Surgical Emergency: education and management - The Academic role of the International I.S.S.M.M post degree
Master Course
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